History of Permissioned Ledgers

4 minute read

I used this space as prep for writing this article:

Source Crypto

I collect links in the SourceCrypto Discord Server #history channel, and occasionally I export them to this website:

You can expect that page and the discord server to have information that isn’t on this page, as exporting the contents of a discord server is faster than updating each page individually.

Early use, and discussion of “Distributed Ledger”

Monax - Eris

—the first open-source permissioned blockchain

I kinda lost where the following quote came from.. I think it was Preston Byrnes blog.. oops!

I’m into blockchains, having been a founder and former COO of Monax. Monax built the first open-source permissioned blockchain client in 2014. The design has since evolved into the market-leading Hyperledger Burrow permissioned Ethereum blockchain node. Burrow is presently the Hyperledger Project’s only Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), and is used by Intel and IBM’s contributions to that project, Sawtooth and Fabric, to run EVMs on those codebases.

They didn’t win the bounty, but their open-source permissionable implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) was submitted to the Hyperledger Foundation under the name Burrow, and has helped any number of people and organizations experiment with a blockchain virtual machine.


Tim Swanson-Permissioned, Permissionless, and Permissioned Permissionless Ledgers—2015


  • Multichain is a Bitcoin based permissioned ledger. (6/15)






Around the same time, Evernym published its initial identity white paper and began its work on [Plenum], an implementation of RBFT consensus, supporting the development of a decentralized public key infrastructure (DPKI).

In September, the open-source Sovrin codebase was donated to the Sovrin Foundation: a private-sector, international non-profit established to govern a global public utility for self-sovereign identity.


10/2016, JP Morgan announced their development of Quorum, a permissioned version of Ethereum supporting data privacy to enable interaction between public and private blockchains and allowing for private, secure, peer-to-peer transactions.

R3 - Corda

11/16, R3 open-sourced Corda, it’s permissioned distributed ledger platform. Corda features private transactions and smart contracts based upon Smart Contract Templates: foundations, design landscape, and research directions, Barclays, University College London.




Enterprise Ethereum Alliance

Wolpert Joins Consensys


Ethereum for the Enterprise